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What are the Top 5 Foods That Burn Belly Fat?

The secret to a lasting weight loss does not have to involve a complicated calorie-counting, weight-loss gimmicks. But, it is about working with your body’s natural sleep and hunger rhythms, to burn fat and curb cravings, so you can send your energy levels soaring.
Stock your kitchen with these weight loss staples that can help in controlling hunger hormones for a flat belly and more energy.


A research which was published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that dark green vegetables, such as broccoli, may help reduce belly fat. The study also found that these vegetables may also decrease risk factors for type 2 diabetes.


At bedtime, eat some cherries. These cherries are one of the plant-based sources of melatonin, the sleep hormone.
Studies have found that foods like cherries, can raise melatonin levels in your body. Not only does melatonin help you sleep, but it is also a powerful antioxidant, which can help promote weight loss.


A diet that is rich in omega-3s, can boost heart health, lower your risk of dementia and improve your mood. For weight loss, many omega-3 carriers are rich in protein. Studies can also confirm that protein makes you feel full. You can even burn more calories digesting protein, than you do when you consume fats or carbs.
If you are not eating plenty of omega-rich foods, such as salmon, sardines and halibut, you should be.


A which was published in Nutrition Journal linked calcium and vitamin D supplementation over 12 weeks with belly fat reduction in overweight college students. The participants also lowered their calories during the study duration.
Although the study was done with supplements, milk is loaded with both calcium and vitamin D, and can be part of a healthy weight loss plan.


Nuts are a great source of mood-boosting magnesium. Consuming more nuts can help individuals who have sleep troubles sleep peacefully through the night, as per a 2010 study, which was published in the journal Magnesium Research.
The first group of the 100 participants over age 51, was given 320 milligrams of magnesium a day. The second group was given a placebo. After 7 weeks, those taking the magnesium were sleeping better,  in which research shows can lead to less overeating and weight gain.

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