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For people who are suffering from gallbladder issues, such as gallstones, on a daily basis, it is important to learn more about nutrition with focus on foods that will not intensify the condition. The side effects of gallbladder issues can range from serious discomfort such as loss of appetite, intense pain, vomiting, nausea and abdominal cramps.
What are the foods that should not be included in the gallbladder diet? The list of foods to avoid include some of your favorite foods, therefore, you might have to make an adjustment. Below are some of them.

Foods to Avoid if You Have Gallbladder Problems:

1. Baked Goods

Avoid consuming baked goods including muffins, cookies, pie, cupcakes and cake. Unfortunately, baked goods, whether homemade, purchased at the local bakery, or in a factory, are always high in saturated and trans fats.
This makes them a major no for in dividuals who are suffering from gallbladder conditions, as the inability of the gallbladder to process fat properly, can lead to pain and discomfort. If you are suffering from gallbladder condition, such as gallstones, choose low-fat baked good options or you should avoid baked goods altogether.

2. Coffee

Coffee is a known trigger of gallbladder contractions. Therefore, people with gallstones should avoid drinking coffee.

3. High-fat Dairy Products

The gallbladder is responsible for excreting and storing bile that assists in the digestive process.Individuals who are experiencing problems with their gallbladder, usually involves having difficulty in breaking down foods, especially foods that were high in fat. The result can be upset stomach, painful abdominal cramps or vomiting.
If you have issues with your gallbladder, you should avoid consumption of high-fat dairy products, such as ice cream, sour cream, cheese, homogenized milk, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Avoiding these foods can help your gallbladder to effectively manage its role in the prevention of painful or uncomfortable symptoms and digestive process. You can choose the low-fat equivalents of these foods, and speak with your physician regarding this.

4. High-Fat Meat Products

If you are dealing with the uncomfortable and painful side effects of a gallbladder condition, such as gallstones, it is better to stay away from any foods that are high in fat.
This means keeping your distance from meat products which are naturally high in fat, including certain cuts of pork, beef and chicken. Avoid processed meat products that are high in fat, such as hot dogs, burgers and sausage. Canned meats, including canned spam and ham, should also be acoided.
Instead, look for lean meat products, such as like turkey, fish or skinless chicken breast.Also, tofu is an excellent alternative to meat which can help meet your protein requirements.

5. Fried Foods

If you have diagnosis which involves gallbladder problem, one of the first things you should avoid are high-fat foods. This is because most gallbladder problems involve issues that are related to the organ’s ability to properly process fat.
If you want to avoid painful symptoms such as abdominal cramps and upset stomach, it is best to avoid fried foods, most especially deep-fried foods such as french fries, donuts, chicken-fried steak, fried chicken, pastries and onion rings.
Also, it is advisable to keep your distance from foods that are fried or sauteed in butter.

6. Processed Foods

All fried and processed foods are off the gallbladder diet menu. This includes anything deep-fried and potato chips.

7. Sugar

A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and sugar is associated with increased cholesterol concentration in bile and poses a greater risk of gallstones and gallbladder cancer.
White-flour foods including pasta, desserts and white bread should be avoided.
avoid these foods for a healthy gallbladder / photo credit:

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