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Cancer 'Death Disease' We all know it. And this death can also be prevented, so many people do not want to believe. But this mortality disorder can also be prevented through some foods. There is nothing to be surprised at. As much as the days are going, the latest research and treatment of the disease remedies is changing. But it is considered to be the best way to solve it before the problem arises. At present doctors are talking about prevention of various diseases through nutritious food. There are some foods that prevent morbid cancer. So keeping these foods in daily food list and keeping regular exercise with them is possible to keep the cancer away. There are several types of cancer. Among them, the incidence of breast cancer is increasing day by day. So let's know the name of some foods that can prevent cancer.

Food that will prevent cancer
1. Carrots
Carrots rich in nutrients and vitamins. And this carrot has a large amount of beta carotene that prevents various cancers such as lung cancer, tracheal cancer, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer and even breast cancer. It is possible to prevent all these cancers from drinking a carrot or a glass of carrots every day.

2. Garlic
Many studies have found that the risk of having cancer in garlic is very low. It can prevent cancerous germs. Even some of the cancer germs are broken. So eat a lost garlic every day, it will prevent your inner cancer.

3. Tomatoes
Tomato is a type of fruit, and many others are called vegetables because it has seeds. But it is also used as vegetable for spicy aroma. Tomato is not fruit or vegetables, it is not a matter. Tomatoes are "nutritional powerhouse" that can fight against cancer. Tomatoes contain lycopene called antioxidants that help prevent heart disease. Tomatoes contain Vitamin A, C, and E which are enemies of cancer-friendly elements. Tomato juice destroys damaging DNA cells. So two to three tomatoes should be kept in the food list per week.

4. Nuts
Nuts have lots of nutrients. And there is a lot of fat needed for the recovery of heart. If you are suffering from hunger related to cancer or want to lose weight, then the nuts are the best, because a small amount of nut is able to give you a lot of nutrition. Almonds contain healthy fat, as well as potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, selenium and vitamin E. There are also some protein and fiber. Walnut inflammation is an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acid inhibitor. Some studies have shown that it is better to absorb this nutrient content from food than supplement. The risk of colon, lung, liver, and other cancers is reduced due to the presence of nutrient selenium, an anti-cancer component. So you can keep peanuts in the morning or at breakfast. Besides, nuts can also keep your body away from cancer.

5. Yellow
A study by the American Cancer Society has said that turmeric has 'carcumin' components that prevent cancer. Besides, it is an antioxidant that enters the body tissue and makes the body resistant to cancer. You can use turmeric like raw milk, or fish and meat, as needed. Yellow cancer cells prevent cells from spoiling the good cells and help to cure cancer cells. So try to eat yellow in regular diet.

6. Green T.
Green tea or green tea is very useful in preventing cancer. This green tea contains antioxidant catechin, which is able to prevent various cancers. Studies also show that green tea prevents tumor. Green is more beneficial than ordinary tea. So eat tea without drinking green tea or green tea.

7. Cauliflower or broccoli
Cauliflower and broccoli are very nutritious and a vegetable rich in herbal ingredients. Cauliflower, cauliflower, broccoli is a fennel that removes toxins from the body. Apart from this, galactose components are very helpful in removing bacteria in the gut. Broccoli Sulfurophane, Indolex helps reduce the risk of lungs, bladder, lymphoma and breast cancer. There is also a large number of cancer fighting fighter neutrinets.

8. Watermelon
Watermelon is very useful in fruit. A piece of this watermelon contains plenty of antioxidants, 80% vitamin C, 30% vitamin A and beta carotene per day. Besides, there is also the tendoose in Lycopene which can fight against cancer. Current studies have found that the risk of lungs, mouth, diarrhea and colon cancer can be found in fruits and vegetables.

9. Green leafy vegetables
Greens are excellent sources of fiber, folate, carotenoid and flavonoid. Most of these compounds have antioxidant benefits that protect against cell damage. As a result, green leafy vegetables are very useful in preventing cancer. Besides, carotenoid lutein and zeaxanthin acts as an eye-opener and helps in reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Which could cause blindness problems. As a result, it is better to eat more green leafy vegetables.

10. Black fruit
Strawberry, blue berry and black berry are truly super food. These are less sugar and rich in nutrients. Their vibrant colors mean they are filled with antioxidants, as well as flavonoid and antioxidant vitamins and th

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